‘Tis the Season…of Rest

Amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, rest may seem like an especially counterintuitive choice.

And yet, we’re approaching an ending, the end of 2022.

We’re approaching nature’s season of rest, winter.

We’re conserving our energy for the seasons of growth and rebirth to come.

Because of this, rest is the most natural choice we can make for ourselves as we step into the last 26 days of the year.

So, pop in your earbuds and join us for a nourishing, restful pause.


  • Why now is the season of rest

  • 6 essential types of rest

  • What each type of rest can look like

  • Why each type is important

  • Our favorite ways to rest

  • The easiest, hardest, and most needed types of rest in our lives


The Quantum Coaching Academy (QCA) with thequantum.coach, Ashley Gordon

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