Savoring Summer

While every season has its unique pleasures, for many of us, summer is the time of year we just can’t get enough of.

The sun

The longer days

The slower pace

There’s so much to love about summertime, and too often, it flies by so quickly that we’re not able to fully enjoy and appreciate it.

So, consider this your official invitation to savor every moment of summer on the horizon.

You’ve got 53 days left in this amazing season.

How will you spend them?


  • What’s on our summer bucket lists for 2023

  • Our favorite things to savor in the summer as well as our favorite memories so far this summer

  • All about those unique pleasures you can only experience in the summer

  • What brings us the most summertime joy

  • How we most want to feel throughout the rest of the summer


The Quantum Coaching Academy (QCA) with, Ashley Gordon

Join Ashley’s Summer of Sweet & Slow

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And because we’re in this together, be sure to take the Eff Perfect Pledge.