Emergency Self-Care

Self-care when self-care feels like the hardest and most impossible thing but is the first thing we all need ➡️ that is emergency self-care.

And if now isn’t a time for emergency self-care, we don’t know when is.

So, take a few moments for yourself and join us as we explore how best to care for ourselves on all levels right now – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

We are all in this together, fam, and we’ve got you.

Let us know how we can support you in your own emergency self-care. 🙏

Emergency Self- Care - Middle Finger to Perfection podcast - Eff Perfect


  • How each of us is getting through right now

  • Tending to your mental self-care by curating your consumption

  • Maintaining emotional self-care through identifying your source of release

  • The differences between rest and restoration when it comes to physical self-care

  • Why connection is essential in spiritual self-care


The Quantum Coaching Academy (QCA) with thequantum.coach, Ashley Gordon

Ashley’s journaling resources and workshops

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And because we’re in this together, be sure to take the Eff Perfect Pledge.